Flickers of thought

Welcome to the quicksilver world that is my mind.

I find myself wondering at the worlds of Patricia Briggs, Gini Koch, and Ilona Andrews, among many others to be discussed later.  I have such love for heroines who speak their minds and have enormous levels of self-respect, even when their self-confidence may not be 100% there.  My poor room looks like a tsunami of the printed word came crashing through…and I think to myself, “all of this and MORE could be contained in a Nook”…but Nook’s don’t have that printed word SMELL to them…okay, and paperbacks (for the most part) don’t hurt your nose as much when they fall on you b/c you fell asleep reading!

Being a tall chick, and not given to frailty of build, it also comforts me when the heroines are “real” to me:  drive stick…EXPRESS themselves…work on/around cars…fight to the last whistle for those they deem worthy…etc.  Sometimes it’s difficult to see yourself as “capable” and “bad-ass” and “fierce” when faced with western society’s glamorization of the frail and rail…having these (and other) FABULOUSLY, STRONGLY female characters with whom to identify is awesome.

I have called friends and read passages to them…I’ve sent emails with quotes from the books…emails listing the books in order…helping humans at bookstores (and employees)…I share the wealth.  🙂

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